Actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas may not be residing in India but that doesn’t mean she’s not in touch with her roots. The actress, along with her husband, Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas celebrated Diwali this year in London by performing a puja. Early Saturday, Priyanka and Nick took their respective social media handles and shared glimpse of how they celebrated the day. Scroll below to check out their posts.
Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas & Malti Marie perform Diwali Puja in London
For the Diwali puja, Priyanka Chopra wore a floral embroidered saree paired with a yellow blouse while Nick Jonas opted for a floral white kurta and pyjama. Malti twinned with her mother in a matching floral lehenga. Sharing pictures of their Diwali celebrations in London, Priyanka captioned it, “Happy Diwali to everyone. May this year bring peace to the world.” Nick Jonas too shared a few images from the celebrations. He captioned it, “Happy Diwali everyone.”
In the photo carousel shared by Priyanka Chopra, the actress shows her fans how she decorated the venue with flowers and candles for the puja. In another picture, Nick Jonas is snapped kissing Malti on the forehead as Priyanka smiles lovingly at her toddler.
The third picture sees Malti sitting on Nick’s lap and looking at her mother who has her eyes closed during the pooja. Another photo showed Priyanka and Nick posing for the camera while Malti Marie Chopra Jonas played with the others attending the puja. The post even included pictures of their daughter playing with flowers as she sat next to PeeCee during pooja, Malti putting on a surprise dance performance for her parents and the family spending quality time together.
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